Best Mp3 Editor For Mac
Advertisement There are a healthy number of The best video editors for macOS cost a lot of money, but what if your budget is $0?, but what if you only need to edit audio? The selection might not be quite as hearty, but if you need to slice up a WAV or merge a couple of MP3 files then you’re in luck. Considering Apple’s media-savvy approach with free apps like iMovie, it’s surprising that there’s not a simple audio editor bundled with OS X. We’ve found a few that won’t break the bank. (free) If you’re looking for a completely free audio editor that eats uncompressed audio for breakfast, Audacity is the only open-source box of tricks you need. Vsdc free video editor for mac. The editor supports.WAV,.AIFF,.FLAC,.MP2/3 and.OGG filetypes, with an interface that loosely resembles the fondly-remembered CoolEdit.